2010 Specialty
Celebration of the Siberian Husky
Rocky Mountain Siberian Husky Club Specialty 2010
by Susan Lavin, Show ChairOnce again, on a beautiful Rocky Mountain spring weekend, Siberian Husky fanciers gathered in the Mile High City for a fun filled weekend.
Special guests included the SHCA Officers and Board of Directors who conducted their Spring In-Person meeting on Sunday following the specialty events.
The show site we used since 2002 closed unexpectedly about five months prior to our show (EEK!!!). They had been SO GOOD to work with over the past 8 years. However, we were able to find a new venue for our show – the Crowne Plaza, Denver International Airport. This was an excellent facility for the 22st Specialty Show, 14th Obedience Trial, 2nd Rally Trial, 10th Puppy Sweepstakes, and 3rd Veteran Sweepstakes of the Rocky Mountain Siberian Husky Club, Inc. Everyone and their dogs had a wonderful time.
The many members of the Rocky Mountain Siberian Husky Club once again put forth a great effort to make sure our friends enjoyed their weekend.
The trophy table was filled with handmade wooden plaques and boxes by George Hummel.
The festivities began on Friday afternoon with the Obedience and Rally Trials. Pat Maynard judged a class of 9 obedience entries – INCLUDING one brace (how fun!). Our Rally Trial had 4 entries, two of which qualified (both from Rally Novice).
Following the Obedience and RallyTrials was the Sweepstakes. Mr. Terry Sigler evaluated a nice group of puppies, junior dogs and veterans.
Hospitality featured a tasty taco bar on Friday night. It was a great time to meet people and renew old acquaintances.
On Saturday morning we started with the National Anthem sung by Gail Tench. Judging began with Junior Showmanship, judged by Mr. Ron Horn. Twelve Juniors were entered!
Regular breed judging began immediately following Junior Showmanship with breeder judge Ms. Julia Rylander. Results of each class are available on the club's website: 4/30/2010 results 5/1/2010 results
The happiest dogs were no doubt the 19 Veterans which with sparkling eyes and wagging tails remembered careers gone by. Each of them was honored with an oval hand carved plaque. First place winners continued into the Breed ring.
At the conclusion of Breed judging, five brace entries and one team entry entertained the crowd. What a joy to see the handlers have such fun at the end of a long day!
The Celebration of the Siberian Husky ended with a Parade of 14 titleholders entering and circling the ring, beginning with the youngest, whelped in 2007 and ending with the oldest, whelped in 1996. Each received a personalized rosette and basked in the glory of the applause.
The after show dinner was chaired by Kandy Tigerman and Mona Hirniesen and was followed by an auction, featuring guest auctioneer Shawn Sparks. Other fund-raising events throughout the weekend included a Chinese auction and a silent auction.
We are deeply appreciative of the support Siberian fanciers continue to give our specialty. The Northern California Siberian Husky Club will host its specialty in 2011 and the RMSHC will be back in 2012. We hope to see you there!.